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Have Max Speak to Your Organization

Already know you want Baldauf Coaching to speak at an event? Schedule which option here!

1 h
From 950 US dollars
Location 1

Service Description

Schedule a time with Baldauf Coaching for your next event, summit, seminar, assembly, or any type of group gathering where you want the principles of meekness and building Positive Habit Ecosystems to be taught so the learners can better turn their mistakes into marvels and go from feeling like they're not enough to exemplary! All Baldauf Coaching speaking engagements are about 1 hour. 2 options are available, depending on the needs of your organization. Other topics or situations are potentially available upon request. Option 1) Engage in a pushup competition with 5 volunteers (10 minutes), the winner taking $25 (provided by Baldauf Coaching). Then use the principles behind the contest to emphasize the importance of Positive Habit Ecosystems, and teach a workshop on how to build them, the implementation of which over time will help individuals to go from feeling like they're not enough to exemplary (25-35 minutes). Conclude with a open mic Question & Answer session on habit building in general (15-25 minutes). This option is primarily used if your organization is a younger audience, ages 14-21. Option 2) Max Baldauf presents the keynote: "How to Turn Your Mistakes into Marvels with Meekness" (25-30 minutes), followed by a open mic Question & Answer session centering around subjects like meekness, Positive Habit Ecosystems, how to keep the good changes we make, and other tips on becoming the best versions of ourselves. (25-30 minutes). This option is primarily used if your organization is older and in a more professional setting, ages 18-21+.

Contact Details

  • 123-456-7890

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